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Quit Smoking Is Simple With These Amazing Strategies

You may be reading this article because of a recent doctor's appointment, or because you have other concerns related to your health that are compelling you to stop smoking. Even if you do not feel motivated to quit, do not fear. You can stop smoking by equipping yourself with knowledge.

Avoid triggering that make you want to smoke. Alcohol is a trigger for many, so when you are quitting, try to drink less. If coffee is your trigger, for a couple of weeks drink tea instead. If you like to smoke after eating a meal, do something else rather like taking a walk or brushing your teeth.

Stop smoking. How is "quit smoking" a tip to quitting smoking? Stop talking about, stop thinking about it and just do it. Put up a mental barrier in your head where you are an ex-smoker and what the rest of the world thinks doesn't matter. Don't tell anyone you're doing it, just do it. Don't say you are trying or that you did quit in the past tense, just say you are quitting. Make an active state of mind.

Have alternate coping mechanisms in place to deal with the stress that you used handle by smoking before you attempt to quit. Avoid as many stressful situations as possible in the early stages of your attempt to quit. Soothing music, yoga and massage can help you deal with any stress you do encounter.

Avoid situations where you may be strongly tempted to smoke, especially places where alcohol is served. If you find yourself at a party, or bar, or similar place, it may be very tough to keep your determination not to smoke. If you drink alcohol, which lowers inhibitions, it will be much more difficult as well.

You should pick your method, or methods of quitting. Some people may only be able to use the "cold turkey" method, meaning cutting their nicotine use entirely without tapering. However, this can make some people exceptionally cranky and exacerbate withdrawal. Gums, lozenges and other quitting cessation products exist to make the first week easier to handle.

You need to be clear and committed at every stage of the quitting process. That means setting a firm date at which you want to be done smoking altogether. Use that date to determine smaller goals like when you want to cut back more, and stick to every date without exception.

Help yourself stop smoking by only allowing yourself to smoke a certain amount of cigarettes a day. You can do this by deciding the day before how many you will have the next day. This will keep you from going over that set amount every day and cut back on smoking.

Cut your caffeine intake in half. Somehow, nicotine cuts the effectiveness of caffeine in half, so after quitting, soda and coffee will be doubly effective. Drop your consumption of these so that you don't cause your anxiety to become even worse than it already is at this difficult time.

If you feel like giving in to your temptations to smoke, try writing down what you are feeling in a journal rather than smoking. Have this journal in your possession at all times, and read over it constantly. This will assist you in having the strength to keep going with your quest to quit smoking.

When you have made up your mind that you want to quit smoking, it is important to get some support from others. Let your family, friends, and co-workers know that you are planning on giving up your smoking habit and ask for their support and encouragement. Who knows, some of them may have been successful with breaking the habit and can offer some great advice. With their help and encouragement, it can help you get through the tough days.

As stated in the introduction, smoking is a terrible habit that makes you smell bad, costs lots of money and is harmful to your health.

As you can see, quitting smoking is possible for anybody. If you equip yourself with knowledge that suits your needs, you will have a better chance of kicking your habit for good. Utilize the above advice in your unique struggle, and never hesitate to reach out to your support network while you try to quit

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