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Quit Smoking Is Simple With These Amazing Strategies

Pretty much everyone who smokes know that it kills, but fail to quit again and again. Yet, it is a lot easier said than done and all of those people that want to quit wind up sticking with the habit. Read on for some very useful advice if you are interested in quitting smoking and want to know what it really takes.

If you expect to go the rest of your life without being confronted by the cravings again, sadly this is not the case. Steel yourself against taking that single puff, be resolute. Give yourself a reminder of the difficulties you faced when quitting, and ponder if you want to go through that again.

Decide on something to use as a reward for yourself to reinforce your decision to quit smoking. Smoking is expensive and when you no longer buy cigarettes you will have some extra money. Save that money to buy yourself a treat. This is an amazing motivator!

Find a good support group to help you quit smoking. It can be helpful to you to speak to people who know what you're going through, who also can identify with the physical and emotional strain you may be experiencing. These individuals can offer support, guidance, and great tips to help you quit. To find a support group dedicated to smoking cessation, check your local rec center, church or community college.

Joining a gym, exercising or finding new and enjoying activities, can keep you away from cigarettes as well as improving your overall health. Exercise is a proven stress-reliever, and people who are quitting smoking will need stress relievers! If you are new to exercising, take it slow by just walking each day. Don't exercise without consulting your physician about what are safe and appropriate exercises for you.

For best results, replace your cigarette habit with a new fitness class or physical activity. Exercise causes endorphins to be released which make you feel good, and getting a little exercise will help to heal your smoking-related health problems. The distraction doesn't hurt, either! Furthermore, the activity will make you less likely to gain weight as you stop smoking.

For many people, smoking focuses largely on oral fixation. If this sounds like you, you must be willing to occupy your hands and mouth in a healthier manner. Many quitters like to use gum, hard candy, or mints to keep their mouths occupied. Some people have chosen to start using electronic cigarettes.

Get your loved ones to support you in your decision of kicking your bad smoking habit. Be clear that you need their unwavering support and encouragement, and that anything less could negatively affect your efforts. You will also want to let them know you will most likely be in a lousy mood initially, and you may not exactly think clearly at that time. Make sure that you have support from close friends and loved ones during your quitting process, this support can come in handy as quitting is not easy.

If you are uncomfortable with the idea of using smoking cessation medication or nicotine patches, consider acupuncture. Through the use of needles, acupuncture can help to relieve craving-induced tension and can also help to clear toxins from your body by improving circulation. While it sounds unpleasant, most people say that it is not painful.

If you are serious about quitting your smoking habit, you need to get good at it. Most former smokers will tell you that it was necessary to kick the habit more than once. Quit smoking, and just plan on going as long as you can without starting back up. If you backslide and give in to a cigarette, set another date to quit. Just keep quitting and go longer each time, learning along the way. After a while, you should be able to quit for the very last time.

This article should give you a better perspective on how to stop smoking. There are people in your life who love you and depend on you, and quitting smoking will mean that you have more time to spend with them. What you have just read will help you do so.

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