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Tips To Make You A Great Basketball Player

A wonderful thing about basketball is that it's not a complicated sport to understand at a basic level. You can pick up the basics in a few short minutes. However, there is always more to learn if you want to be a better basketball player, and the following advice will help you get started.

If you need to improve your basketball shooting ability, practice as if you were really in a game. Rather than taking your time to throw the perfect shot, act as if there are defensive players around you, trying to distract you and take away the ball. This will help you shoot better under pressure and make the shots that count.

Your balance is an important aspect to consider when you are shooting. While the all-time greats have shown time and time again how they can shoot while off-kilter, this is not the ideal way to score. They are merely making up the play on the spot. You need the right balance to shoot; it is the only way to eventually make consistent baskets.

When handling the ball, make sure you spread out your fingers. This makes it less likely that the ball will slip away from you. Also, keep your palm from making contact with the ball. Only your fingers should be involved in the process of getting the ball to where you want it to go.

Practice as many different shots as you can. You never know when you will need one during a game. If you only practice bank shots, then you will feel less comfortable making a 3-point shot or a lay-up. Practice them all and you will see improvements in all of your shots.

If you feel you've been spending too much time on the the bench, ask your basketball coach what you can do to help the team the next time you are in practice. Hang on every word he or she says. This will demonstrate your intense interest in helping the team win by improving your own play and should get you more game time!

Basketball players need to build strong core muscles. This includes their abs, lower back, and hips. These muscles form a bridge across the lower and upper parts of your body. When the core is weak, it is difficult to coordinate the movements of both halves. A strong core helps the legs move better, like jumping higher and running faster.

Even though you may miss ten times in a row, you will succeed eventually. Keep calm and focus on your form instead of letting your emotions get to you. This will help you develop good habits and grow as a player. Each shot you take is unique and has nothing to do with the previous ten shots you just missed.

Being a good player isn't all about displaying physical skills and making all the shots. There is a lot of mental preparation that goes into being a team player. Don;t just focus on what you can do to be better but think about what you can do to be a better team member too.

Master the stop and shoot. Basketball is so much about movement that sometimes the most effective manner to get clear of an opponent is to surprise them with no movement at all. Master dribbling up court fast and when you hit a mark you're comfortable with, stop short, pull up and shoot. Your opponent will find it tough to stop their forward movement, so you'll have a clear look at the basket.

If the basketball game is quickly getting out of hand for your team, find a way to slow the pace down. Your opponent wants to keep the chaos for your team going as it's causing you all to make mistakes. You need to do the opposite. The minute you have the ball, dribble up court slowly. Or take a time out if you've got one available.

Even though dribbling movement should start with the feet and below the knees, finish or follow through the movements with your whole body. The right combination of eye and arm motions can actually throw your defender off for even a half of a second, giving you the daylight you need to make a play or pass.

To develop an accurate shooting stroke, put your dominant hand under the ball and use your other hand on the side of the ball, as a guide. If you develop this consistency, you will be able to follow through with your shooting hand and get a high, looping arc that is more likely to go through the hoop.

Unless you are under contract as a power forward or center in the NBA or another professional league, you need to spend some time working on your "guard" skills. You might be the biggest kid (thus a center) in junior high school and wind up being a point guard in college. Always work on dribbling, passing and jump shooting.

A chest pass is one of the best ways to get the ball to your teammate. As long as no one from the other team is standing between you and your intended recipient, go for it. You can pass with a step for more power, or without a step to move the ball rapidly.

To be a great basketball player you must also be a great athlete. Basketball is a physical sport as well as demanding a great deal of endurance. Weight training can make your body tougher physically. Good conditioning is important as well, so warm up with about 15 minutes of running before doing drills.

Never watch the opponents feet, always watch their chest instead. Many players have learned how to fake out opponents with their feet, so it is better to focus your attention on their chest. It is much more difficult to fake upcoming movements with the chest than it is with the eyes or feet.

Basketball players can greatly benefit from strength training. In order to play well, you will need to work on both your strength and stamina. Young children that play can even benefit from strengthening arms and legs through proper exercise. As they grow a bit older, they can add free weights to their strengthening routine. The adult years are where strength training is crucial to maintain solid performance on the court.

It is as important to guard a player who doesn't have the ball as it is to guard those who do. If you leave that person, they may be passed the ball and can take the shot without you being prepared. Always treat the person you are guarding as if they are about to score.

If you wanted to know more about the game of basketball, then you should have learned something from this article. Now that you have read this information, you're ready to take the ball to the court. Whether you play on a team or with friends, you can now improve your basketball skills.

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