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Версия от 13:45, 13 октября 2013; ZelmaForrest (обсуждение | вклад)

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Get Yourself Off That Smoking Train And Check Out The Advice Below!

A lot of people think about quitting smoking but are so sure they will fail that they never even try. Quitting can be attained by having a positive attitude, and the right tricks that can help you, like the ones written in this article. Follow these strategies, and you will see that quitting smoking is a lot easier than you imagined.

If you're trying to quit, it's key to think of the challenges you'll face after quitting. Usually, when a person quits smoking and then starts again, it happens in the first couple of months. Usually when you are stressed out or tired, is when the sudden urge to smoke arises. You need to know what your triggers are.

Think about quitting as buying more years on this planet rather than giving something up. If you see quitting as an achievement, you will be more motivated to continue your fight. This will help you to understand the value of quitting for your life, from a short and long-term perspective. Repeating these ideas to yourself will help you maintain your motivation and dedication.

When you're trying to quit, lollipops can help. If you find yourself having an urge to smoke, suck on the lollipop instead. Your hand can have something to hold, similar to when you have a cigarette. The candy part will also keep your mouth busy. Keeping these two parts of your body busy will help you shake the craving.

If your willpower is weakening and you are about to reach for your favorite tobacco product, pick up the phone a call somebody for support. Whether it's a family member or friend, talk to someone to ease your cravings. Not only does the act of talking on the phone distract you from your craving, you'll also receive valuable social support that will last much longer than the phone call.

One of the best things you can do to help yourself quit is to not falter if you have a relapse in judgement. Most people are not going to be successful at quitting on their first try. Take quitting one day at a time, and try to not smoke until you just can't take it any more. If you do smoke again, just try setting a new quit date. Just keep quitting and go longer each time, learning along the way. Applying this technique can give you the willpower to quit smoking altogether.

Create some sort of rewards system for yourself while you are quitting. By not smoking, you will save a significant amount of money, because you will not have to spend money on cigarettes. Be sure to keep it separate from other money you are saving, so that you could keep it for a special reward for yourself. Use this idea to keep you motivated in your cessation efforts.

Write out the benefits of quitting smoking to add to your motivation and eliminate cigarettes from your daily routine. When you go through the tactile experience and physical actions of writing, your psychological perspective is often shifted in the process. Your efforts will be easier this way because you will be focused on your goal.

Don't go overboard with eating! Don't try and lose weight the same time you're trying to quit smoking. Instead, try to stick with a balanced diet. If you smoke, veggies and fruit can give a bad mouth taste if you smoke. Eating them can help you quit and give you healthful benefits.

When the temptation to smoke overwhelms you, using stalling tactics to make yourself wait. Tell yourself you are going to wait 10 minutes to see how you will feel, then try distracting yourself because you will generally find 10 minutes is a good time frame for the craving to pass. If you still feel the urge, try to keep distracting yourself for 10 minute increments to put off smoking for as long as possible.

If you are sick of smoking, you're about halfway to quitting. The tips here have hopefully given you some ammunition that can take you the remainder of the way towards quitting for good. Try some of these techniques to extricate yourself from the chains of cigarettes.

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